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Decluttering Your Life

In the chaos of our modern lives, clutter often accumulates not just in our physical spaces but also in the intangible realms of habits, behaviours, and relationships. The rubbish we amass goes beyond the tangible, infiltrating our mental space and affecting our overall well-being. This blog post explores the transformative power of clearing out the rubbish from all aspects of life and delves into the positive impact this decluttering process can have on mental health.

PIcture of junk

The Physical Clear-Out:

Let's start with the most tangible aspect of clutter—our physical spaces. A cluttered home or workspace can contribute significantly to stress and overwhelm. Begin your clear-out journey by tackling the physical mess around you. Marie Kondo, the renowned decluttering expert, suggests keeping only those items that "spark joy." This principle can be applied not only to material possessions but also to the activities that fill your day.

As you part ways with unnecessary belongings, you may find a sense of liberation and new found energy. The act of decluttering physically creates space, making room for more positive energy to flow into your life. This new found order can have a cascading effect on your mental state, providing a sense of control and calm.

Clearing Out Habits and Behaviours:

Beyond physical possessions, our habits and behaviours contribute significantly to the clutter in our lives. Identify habits that no longer serve you well and take conscious steps to replace them with healthier alternatives. Whether it's breaking free from the shackles of procrastination or overcoming negative self-talk, the process of decluttering habits is an investment in your mental well-being.

As well as working with your therapist, consider adopting mindfulness practices, such as meditation or journaling. This self-awareness is a crucial step in the decluttering process, allowing you to make intentional choices that align with your values and goals.

Letting Go of Toxic Relationships:

Just as physical items and habits clutter our lives, toxic relationships can be a heavy burden on our mental health. Evaluate the relationships in your life and identify those that drain your energy and contribute to negativity. Letting go of toxic relationships, though challenging, is a crucial step toward mental clarity and well-being.

Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you. Cultivate relationships that bring joy, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. As you clear out toxic connections, you create space for positive, meaningful relationships that contribute to your overall happiness. You don’t have to do this alone; a friend or therapist can help guide and support you on this journey.

Positive Impact on Mental Health:

The process of decluttering, both physically and mentally, has a profound impact on mental health. As you create order in your surroundings, cultivate positive habits, and nurture healthy relationships, you are likely to experience:

  1. Reduced Stress: A clutter-free environment and positive habits contribute to a sense of control and order, reducing stress and anxiety.

  2. Improved Focus: Decluttering your life allows you to prioritize and focus on what truly matters, enhancing your productivity and overall effectiveness.

  3. Increased Energy: Letting go of the unnecessary, be it physical possessions or draining relationships, frees up mental and emotional energy for more fulfilling pursuits.

  4. Enhanced Well-being: A clutter-free life creates a positive ripple effect on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, contributing to an overall sense of happiness and fulfilment.


Clearing out the rubbish in your life is a holistic journey that encompasses your physical surroundings, habits, behaviours, and relationships. By embracing the decluttering process, you open the door to improved mental health, reduced stress, and a more fulfilling life. Take the first step today, contact me and witness the positive transformation that awaits you on the other side of clutter.