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What is Reiki?

Here is one way to explain what Reiki is used for; “Reiki promotes healing; both emotional and physical “.

It is an energy healing method that is usually performed by placing the hands in a series of positions over or slightly above the body. Reiki promotes healing by activating the bodies relaxation response and helping the body to balance itself from a very deep level.

At present, with our current understanding of science and medicine, no one really knows how Reiki works. What we do know is it allows positive energy to flow into the body through the hands of the practitioner (which you may feel as heat or a tingle) and this balances and heals the energy within the body.

Something people can be frightened by the use of spiritual terminology. Words like channelling and spirit, which can be used in attempts to explain Reiki. This kind of terminology can lead to the fear that Reiki is a religious practice or that it goes against certain religions. These words are used in an attempt to communicate; nothing more. While some practitioners may include a religious element to their work; mine does not.

Reiki has been around for a very long time. The form that is most widely known today comes from Mikao Usui who created the style that I and most other therapists are trained in. You can read more about the history here

Reiki has been scientifically shown to decrease pain levels, speed healing and relax the mind and body. When you come for a treatment, you will fill in a consultation form to provide basic details for me and for your treatment. This includes things like medical conditions that are useful to know before treatment.

At the appointment we will have a chat about what you would like the session to achieve for you and your longer-term goals. This enables both of us to have our focus on the best outcome for you during the session. Following that we will move to the treatment couch. Treatment takes place laying down fully clothed. You are encouraged to remove footwear for your comfort. If for any reason you are not comfortable or able to lie, treatment can be done seated or standing (and even without you present!). You now get to lie back and focus on your outcome or drift off if you wish. At the conclusion of your treatment, you will be gently raised from your treatment and encouraged to drink some water. You can then share your experience if you wish and I will share anything that I have observed during the treatment (maybe a particular area that required additional work).

The experience of having Reiki says more than words ever could.

What will I feel?

During a Reiki treatment you may feel energy moving. This can be in the form of heat, cold, tingles, pressure or something else. Honestly the experience is personal to you and the therapist that you are working with. Often people have said to me that they thought I was touching their body when actually I was not. Some people also feel like a part of their body has hands holding it throughout the treatment. However, it is also possible that you will not feel anything other than relaxed. If this happens it doesn’t mean that it is not working or that you or your therapist has done something wrong. Reiki energy will be working.

Over the hours and days following your treatment, tune into yourself and notice what is different. Sometimes change can go unnoticed – e.g. When a pain is no longer there and it is not impacting our life, it is easy to forget that it was there and has gone, because we are not constantly being reminded of it. Remind yourself of your intention for your treatment, what has changed? If when you truly analyse this and the answer is nothing then maybe it’s not for you or the practitioner is not right for you. It is still worth getting in touch with your therapist or speak to a friend to discuss it, because sometimes we hide what has changed from ourselves and it takes someone else to uncover it.

Reiki treatments are available now, to book yours click below.